Housing in the Local Community
The Military Housing Office (MHO) provides all DoD personnel with personalized services to assist in locating suitable housing in the local community.  Although moving is sometimes stressful, it can also be an exciting opportunity to live off base and experience a new location.  The MHO will assist you every step of the way to help you find your new home in the local community.

Housing Services
Contact the Goodfellow MHO at DSN 477-3498 or COMM (325) 654-3498 as soon as you know you are moving.  The government housing team will provide you the latest information on the local housing situation and offer complete referral services and relocation assistance to make sure you find a quality place to live.

Support services range from helping members understand their lease agreements and the necessity for a military release clause to assisting in resident and landlord dispute resolution, among many others.

The MHO partners with landlords, realtors and property managers to make sure you receive the most current information about the local housing market.  The MHO also monitors housing units offered for rent to the military community.

Rental Partnership Program
At Goodfellow AFB, the MHO supports the Rental Partnership Program to help military members obtain adequate housing in the community.  The MHO and local landlords enter into agreements to offer service members special rental benefits above what other tenants receive.  Typical benefits may include a waiver of security and utility deposits, no credit checks or application fees, a discount on market rental rates and immediate access to housing.  Contact the MHO for more information about this program.

Community Housing Units
The rental facilities in the area are apartment complexes and single unit houses.  One, two and three bedroom unfurnished apartments range from $619-$1016.  Some apartment complexes have restrictions on number of children and pets.  Houses for rent are the standard two, three or four bedroom, one or two bath with a carport or garage.  Prices for two and three bedroom rentals range from $700-$1900.  Four bedrooms are extremely limited.  When available, they range from $1250-$1900.  Sales properties are adequate with varying prices depending on size, location, type and age of unit.  Although prices start as low at $69K, most homes range from $80K to $280K.

For information about the housing allowances that financially support your move, see Referral and Relocation Assistance.

Personal Property Insurance
You need to obtain legal liability and personal property insurance for your possessions and should choose the options and amounts that best fit your needs and lifestyle.  Before purchasing your insurance, please consult the MHO for more information about coverage.

School Information
For families, we understand that where your children attend school plays a large factor in the decision of where to live.

The San Angelo Independent School District website provides all information on local schools.


Newcomer Instructions:

1. The first thing that the dorm management team needs from an in-processing member is a completed dorm assignment worksheet and a copy of the member’s orders.

2. Once the dorm assignment worksheet is completed, the member’s sponsor must come to the housing office bldg 140, to pick up a keycard to the member’s dorm room.

3. The sponsor is to verify that the keycard works and ensure the room in general is in working order.

4.  Once the keycard and the room have been inspected, the sponsor will notify the housing office of the outcome of the inspection.

5. The member will attend the first dorm briefing upon arrival to Goodfellow AFB. (Dorm briefings are held Wednesdays at 1400 in the housing office).

6. The member will have one week from the dorm briefing to return the inventory sheet whereupon the condition of the room has been evaluated and annotated.

Privatized Housing

The Military Housing Office (MHO) staff is here to assist you in locating both on and off base housing (temporary or permanent).  We can provide you with important information regarding your housing option and the local community to ensure that you have a smooth PCS experience.  Below you will find important information from the GAFB MHO.

Important:  Your status upon arrival at GAFB will determine your housing options.

Officer Housing info:

Inbound officer students for the 14N-Intelligence Officer Course will need to seek off-base housing, please contact the Military Housing Office (MHO) specifically the referral and relocations specialists at 325-654-3498. The 315th Training Squadron will work with 17th Civil Engineer Squadron to maintain a small block of rooms for officer students with approved hardships, (Hardships are considered to be unique and unusual circumstances that, in the judgement of the Installation Commander, imposes an extraordinary burden on the member not normally encountered by other members of similar grade at that installation) that may prevent living off-base. The Air National Guard & Reserve liaison and MHO are prepared to assist inbound officer students that have questions or concerns please call 325-654-4401.

E-5s and above will draw BAH based on your declared dependency status.  BAH will start at the GAFB rate as soon as you file your travel voucher.

E-4s and below:

a.     Those with dependents established on their orders will draw BAH.  BAH will start at the GAFB rate as soon as you file your travel voucher.
b.     Those who may have acquired dependents in transit will need to establish their BAH entitlement.  Stop by the Military Personnel flight & Finance Office in building 430 with marriage/birth certificates to enroll dependents in DEERS.
c.     E-4s with >3 years of service (with or without custodial dependents) will draw BAH.  However, you do have to follow the procedures for obtaining the entitlement.  Stop at the Military Housing Office (MHO) in building 140 to start the process.
d.     Those who are married to a military spouse (any branch).  Occupancy in the dorms may still be required.  Occupancy in the dorms and/or BAH entitlement is determined by installation assignment of each member.  DO NOT sign a lease prior to BAH acquisition.  Please stop by the HMO, building 140 to determine eligibility.
e.     E-4s <3 years of service.  Occupancy in the dorms and/or BAH entitlement is determined by rank.  Please stop by MHO at building 140 for a room assignment or to start the BAH process.

Contact Information for Military Housing Office:
MHO Customer Service – (325)654-3498  DSN 477-3498
Housing Chief – (325)654-5539
Housing Program Manager – (325)654-4618
Privatized Housing Program Manager – (325)654-3165
Fax – (325)654-5538
Email: 17ces.ceh.housingoffice@us.af.mil

Bldg 140
460 Kearney Blvd
Goodfellow AFB, TX 76908
Hours: Mon-Fri – 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. CST

Privatized Housing Info click here

Bedroom Entitlement is based on the member’s grade and family composition in accordance with AFI 32-6000, Housing Management, Table A2.3.  Family composition determines bedroom requirements as follows:



Spouse and/or one dependent


Two dependent children, except as follows:


When one is 10 yrs or older


When one child is 6 yrs or older and opposite sex


Three dependent children, except as follows:


When two are 10 years or older


When one is 10 years or older, one is 6 years or older and opposite sex of youngest


Four dependent children, except as follows:


When one is 10 years or older


When one is 6 years or older, and opposite sex of other three


When two are 6 years or older and opposite sex, and the other two are the same sex


When two are 10 years or older and one is 6 years or older and opposite sex of the youngest


Five dependent children, except as follows:


Two or more 10 years or older


One is 10 years or older, one is 6 years or older and the opposite sex of the other three


In order to be placed on the privatized housing wait list,  members must first complete a housing application.    

Applicants are placed on the wait list 60 days before their projected arrival.  Waiting list updates can be requested by e-mail or calling Hunt at (325) 651-8369 or the Military Housing Office at (325) 654-3498/DSN 477-3498.  The list is updated weekly and a copy is available for viewing in the Military Housing Office. 

Wait lists are prioritized by projected arrival dates; members arriving earlier will be higher on the list.  If your projected arrival date changes, it is important to inform the Hunt office via e-mail and/or update the application via the application portal. 

If a member fails to submit an application in advance it can be accomplished upon arrival.  Additionally, if a member fails to update their projected arrival date and arrives sooner than projected, the date will be updated accordingly.  Changes like these will likely result in a change to the wait list for the respective home size/category. 

Wait lists are ever-changing!  Therefore, it’s important to remain in contact with Hunt to maintain awareness and plan accordingly.   

If available, a home can be offered when a member is within 30 days of arrival and there are no other people higher on the wait list in their respective category. 

Please contact the Hunt Housing or the Military Housing Office if you have any questions.  We look forward to your arrival!


Military Housing Office
Phone (325) 654-3498
DSN 477-3498
Fax (325) 654-5538
DSN 477-5538
460 Kearney Blvd
Goodfellow AFB, TX 76908
Hours: Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Unaccompanied Housing
Phone (325) 546-3498
DSN 477-3498
Fax (325) 654-5538
DSN 477-5538
460 Kearney Blvd

Goodfellow AFB, TX 76908
Hours: Mon-Fri, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Privatized Housing Resident Advocate
17th Training Wing
Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
(325) 654-3362 / DSN 477-3362

Privatized Housing
Air Force Housing