17th TRW Honorary Commanders introduced to Air Force U.S. Air Force Logo Dec. 7, 2023 17th TRW Honorary Commanders introduced to Air Force Dan Stein, 17th Training Wing director of staff, briefs 17th TRW Honorary Commanders on the structure of the Air Force at the Cressman Dining Facility, Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, Nov. 30, 2023. Stein explained the mission and importance of the Air Force detailing how the 17th Training Wing fits into the picture. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ethan Sherwood) Details Download 17th TRW Honorary Commanders introduced to Air Force U.S. Air Force Col. Angelina Maguinness, 17th Training Wing commander, answers questions from the Honorary Commanders after the Wing Mission Brief at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, Nov. 30, 2023. Honorary Commanders were briefed on the mission and history of the 17th TRW and held a question-and-answer session with the wing commander. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ethan Sherwood) Details Download 17th TRW Honorary Commanders introduced to Air Force Matthew Stazenski, 17th Training Wing Air Force community partnership manager, briefs Honorary Commanders on a training display used for intelligence training at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, Nov. 30, 2023. Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance students are taught to identify a variety of aircraft. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ethan Sherwood) Details Download 17th TRW Honorary Commanders introduced to Air Force U.S. Air Force Maj. Christopher Perry, 313th Training Squadron director of operations, introduces Honorary Commanders to the Joint All Domain Exercise Forward Operations Readiness Generation Exercise at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, Nov. 30, 2023. The JADE FORGE combines different intelligence courses and puts their training into practical use. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ethan Sherwood) Details Download 17th TRW Honorary Commanders introduced to Air Force 17th Training Wing Honorary Commanders visit the Goodfellow Air Force Base Recreational Camp during their immersion at Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas, Nov. 30, 2023. Honorary Commanders were briefed about the importance of morale and having things like the rec camp for Airmen to recuperate and relax, they also highlighted that the land was given to them by the city of San Angelo. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Ethan Sherwood) Details Download Goodfellow’s Honorary Commanders took a tour of the base and were introduced to the Air Force and the 17th Training Wing’s mission to train, transform, and empower joint and coalition warriors.