313th Training Squadron

Mission: Providing world-class advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance training to develop and inspire professionals for the Department of Defense and our international partners.

Vision: A combined training environment for next generation ISR Airmen that relies on and grows autonomy in learning, the drive to learn, and the understanding of the purpose for learning.


The 313th Training Squadron is a squadron assigned to the 17th Training Group.


The 313th TRS has 61 staff members and trains over 200 students daily in 18 diverse, advanced courses to graduate approximately 5,000 ISR Airmen per year. The Nighthawks’ mission is to develop and execute advanced training for analysis, targeting, ISR operations, cyber operations, and Distributed Common Ground System missions. In addition, the 313th TRS oversees international intelligence training in coordination with the Air Force Security Assistance Squadron. The Nighthawks manage facilities worth $19 million while administering a $493,000 annual budget to provide world-class training to US and international partners. The 313th TRS advanced intelligence courses turn ISR professionals into ISR experts.


Commercial: 325-654-3640

DSN: 312-477-3640


Mission Areas:

• ISR Master Skills Course (ISR 300)

• Advanced Career Development Course (A-CDP) (Formerly SEIMSC)

• Fundamentals of ISR Operations Course (F-IROC)

• Intermediate ISR Operations Course (I-IROC)

• Advanced ISR Operations Course (A-IROC)

• Targeting Fundamentals Course (TFC)

• International Intelligence Applications Officer Course (IIAOC)

• International ISR Operations Course (IIROC)

• International Targeting Course (ITC)

• Fundamentals of DCGS (DCGS 100)

• Cyber Intelligence Professional 100 (CIP 100)

• Cyber Intelligence Formal Training Unit (CIFTU)

• Analysis 200

o Critical Thinking and Structured Analysis (CTSA)

o Advanced Critical Thinking (ACT)

o Community Collaboration Course

o Advanced Writing Essentials (AWE)

o Advanced Analytical Briefing Workshop (AABW)

o Communications Capstone

o FY22: Analysis Capstone Course

• FY22: Analysis 300