GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- On an eventful journey from Virginia, Maj. Justin Moore drove with his wife Lindsey, their four-month-old son, Luka, two dogs, and cat to San Angelo, Texas.
After arriving in San Angelo, Moore took command of the 17th Comptroller Squadron with administrative oversite of the 17th Wing Staff Agencies, effective June 3.
“I’m super excited to be back in a wing environment,” said Moore with a genuine smile. “New base, new baby, a new position, all-in-all, we are very, very happy to be here.”
Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, joining the military was uncommon in Moore’s family.
“I joined the Air Force because I was excited for the challenge and the opportunity to do something very few people get to do,” said Moore. “We honestly do work with the best of the best, and it's an honor to be a part of that day in and day out.”
After he earned his commission in 2010, Moore dedicated most of his career to advising at Headquarters.
“I’m most excited to lead Airmen, learn from them, to guide and mentor them,” said Moore, whose new job reversed his role from advising to being advised.
Moore said he is excited to modernize how the 17th Training Wing develops Airmen, and one of his command priorities is fostering an environment of development and respect.
“I’m a big believer in development both personal and professional,” said Moore, who obtained his Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University. “Continue to develop yourself, both personally and professionally, seek opportunities for bettering, and challenge yourself. That’s the only way you will get better.”