The Holiday Season--Time for Reflection Published Dec. 1, 2009 By Maj. Paul Rozumski 315th Training Squadron GOODFELLOW AFB, Texas -- Happy Holidays! This time of season is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the many blessings of the last year and look forward to another filled with all kinds of ways to challenge each of us as individuals, units and organizations. We at the 315th Training Squadron take tremendous pride in transforming and implementing a world-class intelligence curriculum to produce the finest intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance professionals for the security and freedom of our Nation. We also look forward to the start of a campus renovation project aimed at providing facilities suitable for delivering realistic and relevant training. It is always a privilege to speak with so many students at graduations and in the classroom. I wanted to take a few moments to pass along some thoughts that most certainly apply to anyone instructing or supporting training operations within the 17th Training Wing. It may also assist in writing down those New Year resolutions. Be indispensable. The Indispensable Airman is valuable to the organization and always mission-ready. Indispensability is also about taking the time to learn about other sections in the organization, pursuing higher education and being a good wingman or team player. Just as important, staying physically fit, passing CDCs, making appointments on time and being prepared to deploy, show that you are an indispensable Airman. In time, the Indispensable Airman is sought for guidance and counsel and is considered a cornerstone of the organization. Be an advocate. There are two roles of the Advocate Airman. The Champion maintains the best interests of the organization. You will find this quality in the form of writing award packages, preparing a deployment checklist, highlighting an Airman for a commander's coin and supporting your leadership. The other role is the Ambassador Airman. The Ambassador seeks a "win-win" across organizations to ensure the mission gets accomplished. An effective advocate is indispensable and ensures the organization always does their fair share and at times more if the ability and opportunity presents itself for the common good. Be a Good Steward. We are all temporary holders of our position, rank or title. A Steward Airman possesses a strong sense of completeness and an innate desire to leave an indelible impression upon an individual, the organization and the local base and community. The Steward recognizes the small window of opportunity for progress before it is time to move on to other challenges and therefore prioritizes on what really matters. A Good Steward selects the star performers for the toughest jobs and ensures junior Airmen eager, but unsure, are mentored to take the next opportunity. Ultimately, it's about setting people up for success, taking care of the organization and providing selfless dedication without pause for reward. Again, the holiday season is a fantastic opportunity to reflect on a job well-done and to share fellowship with each other and our families. Best wishes to our deployed, you and your families and organizations, from all of us Rattlers in the 315 TRS.