Choices, decisions and consequences

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Linda McGinnis-Weber
  • 17th Training Support Squadron first sergeant
Every morning we wake up not knowing what the day ahead holds; so many things to do, decisions to make, long hours to work. For the great majority of Airmen, we take our Air Force career extremely serious and push hard to exceed the standards set for us; while others may not consider our duty as Airmen as top priority. In reality, our daily actions come down to choices, decisions and consequences.

The position of an Airman in the United States Air Force is truly the most rewarding job any person can have. Like no other, standards are set for each of us to ensure we meet the minimum standard across the Air Force, to include maintaining our military discipline and setting a positive example for others to follow.

The Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do provide us guidance. Supervisors, mentors and peers help mold us into who we are, and our Airman's Creed takes us back to the basics of what Airmanship and Wingmanship is all about.

Each day, we (as Airmen) have to make numerous choices: Do I lie? Do I drink and drive? Do I go to my appointed place of duty on time? Presented with these choices, we must then decide. We make a decision; what is the right/legal thing to do? What we decide determines the consequence to follow.

For example, if we fail to have integrity as Airmen, we violate an article within the Uniform Code of Military Justice. This is definitely a poor decision, because there are maximum punishments (consequences) that may follow from making this decision. However, if we decide to follow the Air Force Core Values, UCMJ and other rules/standards, the consequence will be positive and you will have set an outstanding example for other Airmen, subordinates and peers alike.

Think about it - choices, decisions and consequences. It's easy to remember. Use this in your everyday actions, on- and off-duty. By doing so and making the right decisions, you will begin to experience better worth in your Air Force career.