Let’s Ride!

  • Published
  • By Maj. John Gilliland
  • 17th Training Wing/Judge Advocate
In July 2009, a group of Goodfellow Airmen combined two of their favorite things - the Air Force and cycling - to form the Goodfellow chapter of the Air Force Cycling Team for their inaugural ride in the Des Moines Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. RAGBRAI is a tremendous cycling journey across the state done in 7 days. We're doing it again this year, and are looking for riders and support from personnel.

According to www.ragbrai.org, RAGBRAI began in 1973 and is the longest, largest and oldest organized touring bicycling event in the world. 2009 marked the 37th year of the ride. The Goodfellow chapter sent nine riders and four support personnel to Iowa last year, and they all had a blast! RAGBRAI typically draws about 20,000 recreational riders from all over the world who ride all or part of the 470-mile route that climbs over 22,000 feet in seven days--that's right, Iowa is not flat!

The AFCT's primary cycling event is RAGBRAI. The Air Force Recruiting Service's We are All Recruiters program allows Air Force members to request permissive TDY to participate in AFCT events such as RAGBRAI.

As usual, the AFCT was the largest team with about 140 riders and 2009 marked the 15th year of AFCT participation. Its members came from active duty, guard, reserve, retirees and family members who traveled to Iowa from about as far away as you can imagine.

Because this isn't a race but a recruiting effort, the whole team takes pride in talking up the Air Force among the other riders and locals, and in aiding anyone who needs help whether it's to fix a flat, route traffic from an accident or ensuring someone gets medical attention. The route takes you through five to ten small towns each day--each one providing a festival-like atmosphere the whole time. Each town has food, water and things to see and do, so there are endless opportunities to talk to lots of people, both on and off the bike.

Year after year, the single coolest thing about RAGBRAI occurs on the last day. Outside of the last town, the AFCT picks up a police escort and the riders ride two-by-two through the town with applause from the thousands of people who turn out to congratulate the riders as they complete the event by dipping their bike wheels into the Mississippi River.

If you are interested in riding or providing rider support, join us in the sunroom of the bowling alley on Feb. 8 at 11:45 p.m. to discuss the AFCT, RAGBRAI and cycling in general. For more information, contact Maj. Gilliland at 654-3203 or john.gilliland@goodfellow.af.mil. Also, check out the AFCT's website at www.airforcecylingteam.com.