The HAWC: your free health club Published Jan. 18, 2008 By the Goodfellow Health and Wellness Center . GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Take advantage of this fabulous free health club, a benefit earned by all our beneficiaries. Our Health and Wellness Center personnel teach and provide counseling in fitness, nutrition, disease prevention and life style modification programs. The staff has more than 20 years expertise in areas such as diabetes management, high blood pressure and high cholesterol reduction, musculoskeletal injury, osteoporosis, obesity, tobacco cessation, stress management, and a variety of other programs. You can schedule a health assessment, attend a class, or speak with wellness professionals individually whether you make your own appointment, are referred by a medical provider, or are referred by a military commander. The HAWC has a blood pressure station, (which also captures weight and calculates Body Mass Index) and is a good place to keep track of these important measurements in a relaxed atmosphere. If you're looking to really relax, sit on one of our two relaxation chairs for a back and lower leg massage. The HAWC is co-located with the Mathis Fitness Center in Bldg. 140. We are open Monday thru Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Garry Capers is our exercise physiologist. Mr. Capers is a retired U.S. Army First Sergeant and Army Master Fitness Trainer. He has more than 30 years of experience in the health and fitness fields, and has assisted hundreds of people in meeting their fitness and health goals. An appointment with Mr. Capers for a fitness assessment can help you develop a personalized program for cardiovascular endurance, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. He is also available to present seminars and talks on health or fitness related subjects to both military and civilian organizations. Master Sgt. Guillermo Gallegos is an Air Force-certified diet therapist with a background in clinical dietetics. He can work one-on-one with you to achieve your nutritional goals from weight management to high cholesterol and diabetes management. Master Sgt. Gallegos is also the Tobacco Cessation Program Manager and can help those individuals seeking to stop tobacco use. Debbie Manning is our dietician, who comes to us from Shannon Medical Center's Diabetes Education Program. She brings more than 20 years experience from a variety of settings, including wellness programs, sports nutrition, eating disorders, diabetes management and hospital dietetics. She can provide specialized counseling on meal planning for overall good health, "fit to fight" programs, weight management, pediatric and adolescent nutrition issues, medical nutrition therapies, or answer questions raised by the overwhelming consumer information available in today's world. David Martin is the HAWC fitness information manager. He is the first person you meet when you enter the HAWC. He is retired Air Force and will assist you in making appointments, scheduling classes, and contacting any member of the HAWC staff. Jerlinda Anderson is the Health Education Program Manager. She plans, directs, and executes all aspects of the installation Health Promotion Program and Health and Wellness Center activities and services. The New Year, and a new you, are just steps away at your local Health and Wellness Center!