Community awards outstanding Goodfellow Airman

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Chase Sousa
  • 17th Training Wing Public Affairs
Senior Airman Stephen Muldoon, 17th Medical Support Squadron resource management office technician, received the Phil Neighbors Community Impact Award at the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce luncheon Oct. 11.

The Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 1066 and Goodfellow Air Force Association named the quarterly award after Phil Neighbors, who served as president of the chamber of commerce for 10 years until his death.

"He was San Angelo's number one cheerleader," said Dwain Morrison, San Angelo Mayor. "He did more for this community than most people will ever realize.”

The award recognizes outstanding contributions by an individual (active duty base personnel) that has impact on the community and whose efforts merit recognition.

Muldoon said he didn’t expect to win but was excited when he did.

When Muldoon arrived at Goodfellow, he was invited by a co-worker to volunteer at the soup kitchen.

“I do the soup kitchen monthly and work with the Texas Ramp Project, I was also a part of the Concho Valley Food Bank,” said Muldoon.

On the second Saturday of each month, Muldoon gathers a group of about eight people and together they feed around 150 people.

“A lot of my family members struggle in poverty stricken areas so … it’s not always easy for them to have a meal on their table,” said Muldoon.

Through volunteering, he helped collect 5,000 pounds of food this year. All collected food items went to the Concho Valley Food Bank.
“If I can help people get meals on their table I’m willing to do it,” said Muldoon.

Muldoon also had a piece of advice for others hesitant to give up their free time.

“I feel like a lot of people think that it sucks to give up hours of their day when they could be in bed,” said Muldoon. “At the end of the day, it really is worth it to get out there, it makes you feel better knowing that you helped people.”