
Cold outside: Goodfellow reacts to cooler temperatures

Airman 1st Class Warren Moultrie, 17th Security Forces Squadron installation entry controller, and Michele Chernick, installation security guard, check identification cards at Goodfellow Air Force Base's north gate late Wednesday morning. Airman Moultrie and Ms. Chernick periodically checked identification at two different positions on the temporary south-bound entry lane to the base in order to facilitate the flow of motorists entering the base after Col. Richard Ayres, 17th Training Wing commander, authorized delayed reporting to work as a safety precaution due to hazardous road conditions caused by a cold front that swept through the local area. More than a dozen vehicle accidents were reported to local-area law enforcement agencies Wednesday morning, and the Texas Department of Transportation closed off several main roadways in and around San Angelo as a precautionary measure. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Luis Loza Gutierrez)

PHOTO BY: Senior Airman Luis Loza Gutierrez
VIRIN: 080123-F-3082L-001.JPG
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