GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Goodfellow members participated in several events this past weekend to commemorate Veterans Day this upcoming Thursday, Nov. 11.
The All Veterans Council hosted the Veterans Day Parade Nov. 6 in downtown San Angelo and was commemorating Veterans Day, the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001 and the 30th anniversary of Operation Desert Storm.
Goodfellow members represented multiple branches of the U.S. Armed Forces in the parade. Veterans from several wars, military supporters, local schools, and clubs took part in the parade to honor those who served.
Later that evening, Angelo State University hosted the Ram Jam located at the LeGrand Alumni Visitor’s Center. Attendees enjoyed live music, food, and games before heading to the football game where ASU faced Texas A&M University-Commerce.
ASU held the annual Military Appreciation Day at 1st Community Credit Union Field. Active duty military, dependents and veterans from all branches were allowed free admission to the game.
Cadets from ASU’s ROTC Detachment 847 held the U.S. flag during the national anthem, and Col. Reilman, 17th Training Wing commander, swore in several delayed entry program members during half-time. During the U.S. Armed Forces Oath of Enlistment, the Goodfellow Joint Service Color Guard presented the colors while 17th TRW students held the 50 state flags.
The game finished with an ASU win, 30-3.