Goodfellow and San Angelo sign April proclamations

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Ethan Sherwood
  • 17th Training Wing Public Affairs

The 17th Training Wing commander and City of San Angelo Mayor declared April as the Month of the Military Child.

Brenda Gunter, City of San Angelo mayor, hosted families from Goodfellow and San Angelo Independent School District at the McNease Convention Center, April 5.

“The commitment and sacrifice of our military’s smallest heroes in supporting the brave men and women in the U.S. Armed Forces is worthy of honor and celebration,” said Gunter.

The SAISD hosts over 800 military-connected children and works closely with Goodfellow to ensure a smooth transition while moving bases. This partnership is crucial to the well-being of military families and their children.

Once he returned to base, Col. Matthew Reilman, 17th TRW commander, signed a joint proclamation declaring April the Month of the Military Child, Child Abuse Prevention Month, Sexual Assault Prevention Month, Financial Capability Month, and Alcohol Awareness Month.

These observances will feature multiple events to spread awareness, celebrate, and protect the base and community.

“The April observances are important,” said Donna Casey, 17th TRW violence prevention integrator. “It takes all of us supporting and taking care of each other to ensure we maintain a healthy wing for years to come.”

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