GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Growing up a military brat, living more than half his live overseas, mostly in Japan, this San Antonio native recently took command of the 17th Communications Squadron.
Even though Maj. Dexter Webb claims Texas as his home state, he says as long as he has his wife and two children with him, he will always be home.
With a long military family lineage, dating back to the American Revolution, and after watching his father retire with 30 years of service, Webb was motivated to join the world’s greatest Air Force.
“I guess you can say the Profession of Arms is the family business,” said Webb. “I’m motivated by the Airmen and the joy I get from coming to work knowing I’m a part of something larger than myself and I’m enabling the war fighter.”
Commissioning from Texas A&M University in 2010, Webb is an expeditionary communications operations officer by trade.
Previously assigned to the 51st Fighter Wing at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Webb said he is enjoying the slower pace of San Angelo, Texas and Goodfellow, but also has big plans!
“I plan to make an impact across the 17th Training Wing by leading the ‘CommBats’ to provide world class cyberspace support,” said Webb.
Webb took over command from retired Maj. William Bennett on May 5.
“I feel super pumped and safe knowing that I am transitioning this mission to a very competent leader,” said Bennett, at their change of command.
Webb is already on his TOES.
“My leadership philosophy is to stay on your TOES, which stands for: Transparency, Ownership, Empowerment, and Service,” said Webb. “I think these four attributes are critical for authentic leadership, earning trust, and establishing credibility.”
Having broken four toes himself last year, Webb understands how vital toes are to physical balance, and will keep his leadership toes well managed.
“Goodfellow Air Force Base, first to all, second to none, this is CommBat-1 signing on.”