Who wants cash? Published Feb. 5, 2014 By Staff Sgt. Elizabeth Paulsen 17th Comptroller Squadron GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Short on money? Looking to purchase something your heart desires? Wish your savings account could be a little larger? Ask yourself this question: Have I taken any government directed travel that I haven't received yet? We all have busy lives, and there are many things that can be inadvertently overlooked, but filing travel vouchers is one thing you don't want to forget. If you've gone TDY and haven't yet filed for that travel, you could be entitled to compensation. Yes, this may sound like an infomercial, but I beg you, don't change this channel. Normally, while watching an infomercial someone would be emphatically trying to sell you something. This isn't the point of this article; I'm actually trying to give you money. Now, I know that you may think this is false, but I can assure you that if you fit the criteria listed above you'll benefit from reading on. Plus, this can be an opportunity to help the Air Force with financial constraints, because whenever someone doesn't file their travel voucher on time it cost the government money. It all starts when a member, civilian or military, receives orders to another government location. Next, when the time comes, that person embarks on their journey. After all the fun on their voyage, they return having brought new knowledge or experience with them. Here comes the part when a good percentage pass go without collecting their proverbial $200. I'm not sure how most people play Monopoly, but I always get my money from the "banker," and in this case, we are the "bankers." Comptroller squadrons may have a certain reputation; believe me, I've heard a lot of it. However, there's "more than meets the eye" when you need to take care of your travel entitlements. Call us the Transformers of Goodfellow Air Force Base. Before I lose your attention, I'll tell you how to go about getting your money... I knew that'd keep you interested. After returning from your travel, per DoD 7000.14-R Financial Management Regulation, Volume 9, Chapter 8, you must submit your travel voucher within five working days of return or arrival at the permanent duty station. Don't let this discourage you as there are two ways this can be accomplished: defense travel system or a visit to your friendly finance folks. If you're returning from a deployment, you must give us a visit; unfortunately, this cannot be done through DTS yourself upon your return. "Regular" TDYs can be submitted through DTS, providing you have receipts for all claims more than $75. Of course, we're here for you, so if you have any questions on your voucher or need clarification about something in DTS, you can always contact us (during business hours that is). We're located in Bldg. 430, Suite 101. Our office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with a monthly closure at 11:00 a.m. every third Thursday for training. We can be contacted at 325-654-5181 within business hours. Just keep in mind the sooner you file your voucher, the sooner you'll get paid! You now know how to successfully do so, and after all, "knowing is half the battle."