• Turning adversity into opportunity

    While Han’s life and Air Force career started out with adversity, through positive mentorship and sought opportunities, he overcame his misfortunes.

  • Operation Lonestar: 315th TRS intel capstone course

    “Operation Lonestar is the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capstone for our four pipeline courses,” said Capt. Steven Ishmael, 315th Training Squadron integrated operations exercise flight commander. “It’s an integrated environment for the All Source Intelligence Analysts, the

  • 316th TRS implements virtual in-processing

    The 316th Training Squadron has begun in-processing new students via a Facebook page to avoid any delays in the training here and keep students safe by practicing social distancing.

  • Chalk Our Walks

    Lately, our community has been hit with some hard times. Morale isn’t the normal high, many events are canceled, and students can’t leave the base.This thought leaves many wondering what they can do in such times. How can they build morale in these confusing and worrisome times?