• Goodfellow attends community partnership conference

    Members of Goodfellow Air Force Base attended a networking and community partnership conference to open a dialogue about where cybersecurity is currently at, and future potential, at Angelo State University’s Rassman building, June 23.

  • A new road towards a degree

    Angelo State University and Goodfellow came together to sign in an agreement that will allow members of the 17th Communications Squadron, and military member sharing similar types of credits or training, to transfer their technical course work towards a baccalaureate degree at ASU’s Houston Harte

  • Intel officer course now credits additional ASU master degree

    Amidst COVID-19, Angelo State University and the 17th Training Group virtually signed into effect an articulation agreement amendment May 27, allowing the 14N Intelligence Officer course graduates here to transfer 12 semester hours towards an additional ASU graduate program.