Tag: Air Education and Training Command
  • Air Force building more inclusive culture through Dress and Appearance updates

    The changes, as outlined in an Air Force Guidance Memorandum dated July 1, 2020, include the removal of subjective language and other rules that may have been creating unintentional or unfair barriers for Air and Space Force uniformed members.
  • Goodfellow attends community partnership conference

    Members of Goodfellow Air Force Base attended a networking and community partnership conference to open a dialogue about where cybersecurity is currently at, and future potential, at Angelo State University’s Rassman building, June 23.
  • 17th TRW COVID-19 Update

    Goodfellow has sustained additional confirmed cases of coronavirus, and our number of symptomatic service members is on the rise. The health and safety measures Goodfellow has had in place since March are now more critical than ever to contain the spread of COVID-19 in our workforce and our city. We have been preparing for this for months, and each unit and leadership team has sanitization and mitigation plans in place to ensure the health and safety of this wing.
  • A new road towards a degree

    Angelo State University and Goodfellow came together to sign in an agreement that will allow members of the 17th Communications Squadron, and military member sharing similar types of credits or training, to transfer their technical course work towards a baccalaureate degree at ASU’s Houston Harte University Center, June 15.