Commentary Search

  • Area Defense Counsel at your service

    Most Air Force members have the sense to go a doctor when they have a fever or the dentist when they have a toothache. They know to go to the finance office if their pay is incorrect and to the family support center for help with setting up a budget. But very few Air Force members have ever heard

  • Thank you for your service

    This Veteran’s Day our country feels divided. Our friends, our neighbors, and even our families are seeing painful division in the aftermath of a contentious and intense election. We have a desperate need to find a path of healing. It is in these moments, I believe we need stories that remind us to

  • Energy Conservation 2016

    Next week, you may see some guy dressed up as Jon Snow from Game of Thrones walking around the base. You may also see some other people walking around in light up outfits. Well, the guy dressed up as Jon Snow is me, and the people dressed up in the light up outfits are my friends.I’m the base energy

  • The Long Fight, Suicide Awareness

    Let’s talk about suicide.For a majority of my life I’ve thought about killing myself. I never really talked to anybody about it or expressed it. It just dominated my thoughts. I was obsessed with death and dying. Basically, I thought the world sucked and I wanted to escape and killing myself seemed

  • Tackling Student Loan Debt

    If you have a student loan, federal or private, that you took out before you came on active duty and are now on active duty, you are eligible to have your interest rate lowered to six percent. You must submit your request to your loan provider asking to lower your interest rate under the Service