Dec. 4, 2020 Drones on Goodfellow The 17th Security Forces Squadron and the 17th Civil Engineering Squadron fire and emergency services flight, have the newest bird of prey flying overhead: drones.
Oct. 19, 2020 17th Security Forces Squadron trains like they fight Goodfellow’s 17th Security Forces Squadron trained with local law enforcement at Eldorado Air Force Station, Texas Oct. 5-9.
Sept. 30, 2020 A ruck for the fallen The 17th Security Forces Squadron held a ruck in memory of a fellow fallen defender Sept, 28, 2020 here.
Aug. 4, 2020 17th SFS provides unparalleled base defense regardless of COVID-19 The 17th Security Forces Squadron provides unparalleled base defense, law enforcement services and contingency operations, despite the pandemic here, Aug. 3.