Sept. 30, 2020 A ruck for the fallen The 17th Security Forces Squadron held a ruck in memory of a fellow fallen defender Sept, 28, 2020 here.
Sept. 21, 2020 Goodfellow hosts suicide awareness run/walk Goodfellow recognized Suicide Prevention Month with a 24-hour run/walk at the Mathis Field Track, here, Sept. 18, 2020.
Sept. 21, 2020 Disasters don’t wait, make your plan today The start of the month September is recognized as National Preparedness Month. National Preparedness Month recognizes each September to promote family and community disaster planning.
Aug. 25, 2020 What being a Command Sgt. Maj. means to Jason Lauer The 344th Military Intelligence Battalion welcomed a new Command Sgt. Maj. here, July 24.